Technological, Social, and Sustainable Systems - Community College of Philadelphia

Grasp the impact of advancement on reasonability and society, using noteworthy recorded specimens and current issues in the news, and get understanding on the social frameworks within which contemplations, for instance, viability and unmistakable headways are fathomed and create. You'll moreover examine rising advances from the Industrial Revolution through present day, provoking a future that will be confounding and testing, and from various perspectives look like science fiction.

This 3 credit hour course satisfies the Humanities, Arts and Design (HU) general studies need at Arizona State University. This course may satisfy a general preparing essential at various establishments; then again, it is unequivocally stimulated that you direct with your association of choice to choose how these credits will be joined with their degree necessities going before trading the credit.

Technological, Social, and Sustainable Systems - Community College of Philadelphia Technological, Social, and Sustainable Systems -   Community College of Philadelphia Reviewed by University Collage Info on 02:56 Rating: 5

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