Test Prep ROI: SAT/ACT Scores and Merit Scholarships - Psychology Study in Abroad - Claremont McKenna College

As more colleges go test optional, you might contemplating whether you need to sit for the SAT or ACT by any methods. Schools that are test optional don't require state controlled test scores as a component of a complete application. That permits you to decide for yourself if your scores decisively reflect your abilities and potential to surpass desires in school.

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In any case, paying little respect to the likelihood that every school on your school summary is test optional, it's still a sharp thought to take—and get ready for!— no under one government authorized test. For one, "optional" doesn't infer that that schools won' t consider your test scores in case you submit them. Without them, more unmistakable weight is given to various parts of your application, for instance, your transcript, paper, extracurriculars, and letters of proposition. In the event that you're content with your scores, essentially ahead and join with them your application.

Past getting in, your test scores could qualify you for school merit awards (every now and again an alternate application process). Higher test scores can provoke more concede dollars, which mean more options for you.

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Test Prep ROI: SAT/ACT Scores and Merit Scholarships - Psychology Study in Abroad - Claremont McKenna College Test Prep ROI: SAT/ACT Scores and Merit Scholarships - Psychology Study in Abroad - Claremont McKenna College Reviewed by University Collage Info on 02:41 Rating: 5

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