Food and Nutritional Sciences - Tuskegee University

The Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences offers Bachelors of Science (B.S.) degrees in Food Science, Nutritional Science, Didactic Program in Dietetics, Public Health Nutrition, and double degrees in Food Science and Biology or in Nutritional Science and Biology. It additionally offers theory and non-proposition Masters of Science (M.S.) degrees in Food Science or Nutritional Science and is a piece of the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) program in Integrative Biosciences.


The Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences' vision is to teach profoundly able experts seeking after profession ways or master's level college at either the M.S. then again Ph.D. level.


Our central goal performs the vision through preparing understudies in procuring satisfactory information, aptitudes and skills in sustenance and nourishing sciences amid coordinated classroom directions, hands-on exploration and extramural experiential learning opportunities in arrangement as experts in the worldwide economy.

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Food and Nutritional Sciences - Tuskegee University  Food and Nutritional Sciences - Tuskegee University Reviewed by University Collage Info on 00:18 Rating: 5

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