School of Social Work - university of alabama


The UA School of Social Work is presently the main social work program in the condition of Alabama that offers social work bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. The essential objective of the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree project is to get ready understudies for generalist social work hone. Graduates are readied to help individuals of all ages, from varying backgrounds, with a wide range of issues, in an assortment of settings. As generalist professionals, graduates are readied with aptitudes to help people, families, gatherings, associations, and groups in accomplishing objectives and tackling issues. The project additionally gets ready understudies to be prepared for graduate study.

Hobbies and Skills 

Social work understudies are normally keen on a wide assortment of subjects identified with social equity, human rights, social strategy, psychological well-being, and group sorting out. Regularly, hidden those hobbies is a sympathy toward persons who are helpless, persecuted, underserved, and living in neediness. Understudies keen on social work ordinarily have solid oral and composed relational abilities, an enthusiasm for taking care of social issues, and a happiness regarding working with individuals from differing foundations.

Degree Options 

A social work understudy graduates with a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree. The BSW is viewed as the section level proficient social work degree. Numerous alumni of the BSW program proceed with their training and seek after a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree. Understudies who gain an undergrad Social Work degree from the UA School of Social Work might be conceded into a MSW program with cutting edge standing status, which permits an understudy to finish the MSW degree in three semesters.

Vocation Opportunities 

By U.S. Branch of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics, social work is one of the quickest developing professions in the United States. Social laborers are utilized in an assortment of vocation settings, including schools, doctor's facilities, schools and colleges, emotional wellness facilities, senior focuses, nursing homes, chose workplaces, private practices, detainment facilities, military frameworks, open shield and criminal court frameworks, partnerships, and various open and private offices that serve people and families in need.

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School of Social Work - university of alabama School of Social Work - university of alabama Reviewed by University Collage Info on 00:15 Rating: 5

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