Aerospace Technology - Calhoun State Community College

About the Program 

The Associate Degree in Aerospace Technology plans graduates for livelihood in aviation and related businesses through classroom and lab guideline in impetus structures and get together. Graduates are readied to work in a group focused environment with requesting quality and security models. This system additionally gives improvement preparing to people looking for aptitude progression in their present positions. Through an organization with Athens State University, graduates might likewise seek after a baccalaureate degree in Applied Technology or in other suitable scholastic zones.

Calhoun Community College is a part organization of SpaceTEC®, a national junior college consortium subsidized by a National Science Foundation gift. The mission of SpaceTEC® is to make and actualize an industry-driven, government-embraced, specialized training process for aviation professionals. SpaceTEC® and its industry accomplices offer projects that plan aviation professionals to end up Certified AerospaceTechnicians™. Upon effective consummation of the accreditation, the competitor can verbalize 19 credit hours to an AAS in AerospaceTechnology When industry talks, we tune in!

Calhoun is as of now rebuilding the Aerospace Technology system to give more multi-claim to fame abilities in the regular central subjects and in addition improving and diminishing the quantity of forte choice courses. The general instruction necessities basically continue as before.

The system utilizes hands-on preparing to help understudies in gaining the learning and certainty important to work in such a testing field. One exceptional path for understudies to pick up experience is to work inside of the genuine space environment. In spite of the fact that Calhoun does not construct rockets, the Aerospace Training Center High Bay on the Main Campus at Decatur recreates a run of the mill producing environment in which the understudy might try and learn on state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment.

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Aerospace Technology - Calhoun State Community College Aerospace Technology - Calhoun State Community College Reviewed by University Collage Info on 23:43 Rating: 5

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