Alaska Pacific University (Anchorage, AK)

Set up in 1960, one and just year after Alaska truly joined the United States, Alaska Pacific University (APU) is a human sciences school expanding practical association in four-year degrees. 

Masterminded in the Churagh Mountains 45 miles east of downtown Anchorage, APU's 170-region of territory grounds is home to 750 understudies. The school gloats a few distinctive bizarre study programs, which permit understudies more opportunity to pick how to approach their planning. 

APU concentrates on little class sizes and a dynamic, dynamic learning environment. This learning framework teaches the aptitudes expected that would succeed both in the working environment and in life. The keen endeavors join the Schools of Education, Environment Science, Liberal Studies, Outdoor Studies, Psychology, and Human Services. 

APU's School of Liberal Studies offers focuses in making, objectivity, pre-law, pre-med, religious studies, and shaping. The grounds also contains the amazing bleeding edge Mosley Sports Center, which is home to the unimaginably observed Nordic Ski Club. 

The Frozen North Pacific University is affirm by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.

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Alaska Pacific University (Anchorage, AK) Alaska Pacific University (Anchorage, AK) Reviewed by University Collage Info on 11:23 Rating: 5

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