Reed College (Portland, OR)

Reed College

Reed College (Portland, OR)

Reed College is a private, free, human sciences school organized in Portland, the veritable metropolitan scope in the state. Developed in 1908, the school now has an enlistment of 1,442 understudy and 29 graduate understudies. 

The school is allotted into five Divisions: Arts; History and Social Sciences; Literature and Languages; Mathematics and Natural Sciences; and Philosophy, Religions, Psychology, and Linguistics. There is in like way a wonderful Humanities Program, furthermore several interdisciplinary endeavors and twofold degree wanders permitting understudies to search for after more than one highlight. Green beans are in like way required to take Humanities 101, a complete prelude to the Classics, which covers old Jewish, Greek, and Roman forming and history. 

The present understudy to-staff degree is 10-to-one. Most classes are taught meeting style, where instructors organize the understudies in examination, rather than area at them. The 116-zone of range grounds is home to the nation's basically atomic reactor keep running all around by school understudies. There are no social requests or sororities on the Reed grounds. 

Reed College is favor by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.

Reed College (Portland, OR) Reed College (Portland, OR) Reviewed by University Collage Info on 03:28 Rating: 5

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