University of Maine (Orono, ME)

University of Maine
The University of Maine is an open examination school and the lead school for the statewide University of Maine System. Developed in 1865, the grounds—discovered north of Bangor on Marsh Island, between the Penobscot and Stillwater Rivers—includes 660 areas of place that is known for green, flawless, private group heavenliness. With 11,000 understudies, the school is the greatest school is the state, and its simply scrutinize association. 

Clearly, the on-grounds library is moreover the greatest library in Maine. Despite its by and large extensive size, the school takes pride in offering a bona fide stylish sciences experience. It is similarly the campuswith the most settled LGBT support and social relationship in the state, and a standout amongst the most settled in the country. 

The University of Maine is isolated into six Schools: Business, Policy and Health, Education and Human Development, Engineering, Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences, and Agriculture. Over these schools there are 90 student majors, 40 master's undertakings, and 30 doctoral tasks. 

The University of Maine is approve by the New England Association of Schools and College

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University of Maine (Orono, ME) University of Maine (Orono, ME) Reviewed by University Collage Info on 10:53 Rating: 5

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