Rhodes College (Memphis, TN)

Rhodes College

Rhodes College (Memphis, TN)

Rhodes College is a private, by and large student, tasteful sciences school arranged in Memphis, the old Mississippi River port town that is in a matter of seconds the greatest city in the state of Tennessee. Developed in 1848 by the Freemasons, the school moved to its present 100-segment of area grounds in 1925. The grounds is known for its Gothic auxiliary designing: 13 of its structures are on the National Register of Historic Places. 

Rhodes has somewhat under 2000 understudies, by a wide margin a large portion of whom are understudies. The school puts significant highlight on little class sizes, investigate, and creating. It starting now gloats an understudy to-workforce extent of 10-to-one. 

Rhodes has developed relationship with various diverse associations, and immovably engages understudy off-grounds works out, for instance, passage level positions and hand-on work in the understudy's proposed field. Ninety-five percent of understudies are recognized by the law and business universities of their choice, while the affirmation rate for remedial school is twofold the national ordinary. 

U.S. News and World Report positions Rhodes #47 on their summary of Best Liberal Arts Colleges in the country, while Forbes records the school as #47 among their Best Colleges in the U.S. 

Rhodes College is approve by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
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Rhodes College (Memphis, TN) Rhodes College (Memphis, TN) Reviewed by University Collage Info on 06:14 Rating: 5

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