Columbia University (New York, NY)

Columbia College

Columbia University (New York, NY)

Columbia University is a private, research college and an individual from the well known "Ivy League." Founded in 1754, it is the most seasoned foundations of higher learning in the condition of New York, and the fifth-most established in the nation. It is additionally one of nine provincial schools established before the American Revolution started. Indeed, the college was initially contracted by King George II.

The grounds contains 32 sections of land and takes up six city obstructs on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. The present understudy enlistment is about 30,000 understudies, a large portion of whom are looking for a postgraduate degree. The understudy body is socially different, with 52 percent of understudies recognizing as a minority. In spite of the extensive number of understudies, on-grounds lodging is ensured for a long time.

The college is isolated into 20 Schools, quite Columbia and Barnard Colleges (customarily, the men's and ladies' undergrad organizations, individually, yet coeducational today), the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the famous School of Journalism, the Law School, the Medical School, the Union Theological Seminary, the Jewish Theological Seminary, and Teacher's College. Outside of scholastics, the college is additionally known for granting the pined for Pulitzer Prize each year.

The acknowledgment rate at Columbia is under seven percent, which makes it a standout amongst the most specific colleges in the country.U.S. News and World Report positions it #4 in the nation.

Columbia University is licensed by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

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Columbia University (New York, NY) Columbia University (New York, NY) Reviewed by University Collage Info on 02:33 Rating: 5

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