Hampden-Sydney College (Hampden Sydney, VA)

Hampden-Sydney College

Hampden-Sydney College (Hampden Sydney, VA)

Hampden-Sydney College is a private, human sciences school for men, arranged in the private group of Hampden-Sydney, about some place in the middle of Richmond and Lynchburg. Built up in 1775, it was the last school set up before the American Revolution and is one of three staying all-men's tasteful sciences colleges in the U.S. 

Hampden-Sydney's 1,200-segment of area common grounds is home to 1106 understudies. To start with year volunteers are required to live on grounds, yet all understudies remain focused until the graduate. The present understudy to-workforce extent is 10-to-one. There are more than 40 understudy run clubs on grounds, including political, diversions, and religious clubs, a radio station, a band, and a couple of fraternities. 

The school is spoken to by a strict honor code. Genuine offenses, for instance, robbery, lying, and cheating, are explanation behind evacuation. If an understudy is reprimanded for such an offense, he will stand trail and be judged by a social event of his partners. Hampden-Sydney Students are depended upon to complete a careful principle subjects on top of their huge specific course work. Forbes situated Hampden-Sydney College as the #4 Best College in the South. 

Hampden-Sydney College is approve by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

Hampden-Sydney College (Hampden Sydney, VA) Hampden-Sydney College (Hampden Sydney, VA) Reviewed by University Collage Info on 02:38 Rating: 5

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