West Virginia Wesleyan College (Buckhannon, WV)

West Virginia Wesleyan College

West Virginia Wesleyan College (Buckhannon, WV)

Built up in 1890 by the United Methodist Church, West Virginia Wesleyan College is a private, coeducational, human sciences school arranged in local location of Buckhannon in the inclining eastern bit of the state. The school sits at 1432 feet above sea level. In any given academic year, the school has an understudy array of around 1,400 understudies, 90 percent of whom live on grounds. 

Understudies might take four year accreditations in craftsmanship, science, nursing, or music preparing. The school also develops planning associations with Virginia Tech, the University of Virginia, and West Virginia Tech. this affiliation gives understudies looking for subsequent to outlining a wide arrangement of advantages. 

West Virginia Wesleyan is given to an altered school experience; appropriately, the school has a present understudy to-staff extent of 14-to-one and an ordinary class size of under 20 understudies. U.S. News and World Report positions West Virginia Wesleyan as #12 in the South, and #2 in the South for understudies hunting down a wonderful school at an unbelievable expense. 

West Virginia Wesleyan College is ensure by the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.

West Virginia Wesleyan College (Buckhannon, WV) West Virginia Wesleyan College (Buckhannon, WV) Reviewed by University Collage Info on 02:53 Rating: 5

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