Centenary College of Louisiana (Shreveport, LA)

Centenary College of Louisiana

Centennial College of Louisiana (CCL) is a private, four-year, expressions and sciences school connected with the Methodist church. Set up in 1825, the school joins 116 urban segments of area just two miles south of Shreveport, the state's second-greatest city. 

The CCL grounds itself is the most prepared in the state and contains an arboretum that is home to more than 300 sorts of plants. The understudy body is included basically understudies: There are 680 understudies, and only 107 graduate understudies. The present understudy to-workforce extent is nine-to-one. 

With a finished objective to make an area of connection, CCL requires all school understudies, aside from graduating seniors, to live on grounds. To further make securities between understudies, the school has formed what it calls "living-acknowledging bunches." These private entryways are particular, assembling understudies with near informative and calling destinations. 

There are starting now four particular living-learning bunches on grounds: "Le Quartier Français," focusing on French tongue submersion; "Nursery," which searches for better ways to deal with complete viable living; "Santé," focused on upgrading the quality of prevented or destroyed people through gathering organization; and "Center point," which is centered around development. 

CCL in like manner executes what they call a "Trek Curriculum." The activities open at the school are all planned to bolster each and every understudy's calling, society, and bunch. 

Centennial College of Louisiana is authorized by the Southern Association of Colleges and School

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Centenary College of Louisiana (Shreveport, LA) Centenary College of Louisiana (Shreveport, LA) Reviewed by University Collage Info on 10:52 Rating: 5

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