Social Work Department - University of Nebraska (Lincoln, NE)

Social Work Department 

Achieving social value requires social work. The Department of Social Work gets prepared understudies to propel social value for people, families, get-togethers and bunches. 


The workplace endeavors to arrange generalist experts in the learning, capacities and estimations of the social work field. The division focuses on social work's six focus qualities: 

  • Organization 
  • Social value 
  • Respectability 
  • Criticalness of human associations 
  • Competency 
  • Worth and balance of the individual 

The division utilizes verification based practices to prompt and guide understudies' work. 

Excellent Aptitudes 

Social work is a trying and compensating field. Capable social workers must be strong communicators who are genuinely create, objective and sensitive. They should handle commitment, work self-sufficiently and keep up extraordinary working relationship with clients and accomplices.

Social Work Department - University of Nebraska (Lincoln, NE) Social Work Department - University of Nebraska (Lincoln, NE) Reviewed by University Collage Info on 04:06 Rating: 5

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