Computer Science - Felician College


Huge or Minor in Computer Science 

Understudies can major in Computer Science and get the Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science. Understudies can major in some other control at the University and minor in Computer Science. 

Co-Major in Computer Science 

Understudies in the Teacher Education task can pick Computer Science as their Arts and Sciences co-major. 

Twofold Major 

Understudies majoring in Computer Science have the decision to look for after a twofold huge with any request at the University. (Tests: Major in both Nursing and Computer Science, major in both Criminal Justice and Computer Science, or major in both Computer Science and Cybersecurity). 

Purposes of Interest 

Understudies majoring in Computer Science have the unique undertaking of taking an enthusiasm for different outstandingly dynamic activities that fortify their appreciation of the subject. These activities include: 

Driving endeavors in the upper-level courses that allow understudies to coordinate what they have acknowledged by truly arranging a little scale PC game plan of their own and joining in programming building. 

Opportunities to participate in bona fide examination including programming building. 

Opportunities to enroll in distinguishing strength courses that are offered irregularly, for instance, Principles of Robotics, Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, Data Mining, Gaming, or Cloud Computing. 

Opportunities to go to and/or participate in comprehensively saw understudy gatherings and understudy contentions in programming building. 

Field experiences including visits to territories or operations of leisure activity. 

Club practices that are understudy facilitated.

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Computer Science - Felician College Computer Science - Felician College Reviewed by University Collage Info on 00:54 Rating: 5

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