University of Nevada, Reno - Sociologies AND HUMANITIES DEGREES and PROGRAMS


Human sciences 

Anthropologist making revelations Anthropology is the close and certain examination of human beginnings and human social requests and social orders. 

Human sciences, Minor 

Human sciences, Master of Arts Degree 

  • Ph.D. in Anthropology 
  • Correspondence Studies 

The academic project in COMMUNICATION learns at the University of Nevada, Reno, emphasizes get ready in oral social capacities and the mental gauges and methodology that support them. 

Correspondence Studies, Minor 

  • Correspondence Studies, Bachelor of Arts 
  • Coordinating and Educational Psychology 

Understudies in classroom College of Education graduate degrees consolidate highlights in marriage and family coordinating, school exhorting, informational cerebrum research, and information advancement in preparing. 

  • Enlightening Psychology, Master of Education Degree 
  • Coordinating, Master of Arts Degree 
  • Information Technology in Education, Master of Science Degree.

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