Sports Medicine and Fitness Technology, BS (PE) - Keiser University

Keiser University's Bachelor of Science degree in Sports Medicine and Fitness Technology focuses on front line wellbeing and health assessment, cure and lifestyle change. The framework gives information on wellbeing threat variables, exercise organization, biomechanics of improvement, physiological changes in accordance with work out, damage neutralizing activity, thought and treatment modalities, business organization and ethics in diversion. 

Program Objectives 

The going with objectives are planned to meet Keiser University's focal objective and its objectives: 

To develop an understudy's ability to apply wellbeing and health evaluations in the change, watching and motivation of individuals with action cures. 

To get prepared understudies to properly coordinate and screen exercise sessions in both strong and remarkable peoples. 

To arrange understudies to manage their own particular business in the field of wellbeing and wellbeing and to utilize amusements publicizing and progression techniques. 

To help understudies in perception wellbeing risk components, physiological changes in accordance with practice and mental components associated with health and action programs. 

To help understudies in appreciation and applying basic biomechanical measures.

Sports Medicine and Fitness Technology, BS (PE) - Keiser University Sports Medicine and Fitness Technology, BS (PE) - Keiser University Reviewed by University Collage Info on 00:06 Rating: 5

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