Electrical Engineering Technology - University of Maine (Orono, ME)

The mission of the Electrical Engineering Technology undertaking is to give a quality preparing to its understudies and a surprising master change environment for its staff and understudies. 

To accomplish this mission, the Department has set the going with informative objectives for its Electrical Engineering Technology instructive projects. 

To arrange understudies to in a split second contribute in the workplace upon graduation through presentation to front line mechanical equipment, section level position encounter and plot undertaking foundation. 

To get prepared understudies in the matter of building advancement through the perception of money related and business gauges and practical undertaking organization systems. 

To arrange understudies for the growing PC necessities of industry through the usage of handling hardware and programming all through the specific instructive modules. 

To give understudies with an appreciation to the good, legitimate and capable duties imperative to work effectively in a contemporary business environment. 

To add to understudies' social capacities to a level that they can present complex considerations in a sensible, astute and brief way both orally and in creating. 

Program Description 

The Electrical Engineering Technology (EET) program at the University of Maine arrangements understudies for master electrical building jobs in industry. The framework gives understudies the speculation and "hands-on" experience fundamental for them to quickly get the opportunity to be advantageous in their occupations after graduation. The EET framework gives understudies a routine electrical and electronic planning instructive modules with extra center in branches of information that are particularly basic to industry in the Northeast. These branches of learning are: electrical power and renewable imperativeness, electronic framework, facilitated development control, and microcomputer applications. All courses in the framework are taught in a way that joins a strong portion of valuable applications, close by focus speculative thoughts.

Electrical Engineering Technology - University of Maine (Orono, ME) Electrical Engineering Technology - University of Maine (Orono, ME) Reviewed by University Collage Info on 05:41 Rating: 5

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