Electrical and Computer Engineering - Duke University in United State

Our student instructive modules is proposed for the understudy who wishes to look for after a wide extent of musical distractions within the association of a human sciences guideline. Complement is given to a variety of musical requests, including sythesis, speculation, execution, ethnomusicology, and musicology (music history). The music major is arranged not simply to set you up for graduate work in music gift, execution, or association, moreover to offer a solid foundation in a champion amongst the most obsolete and comprehensive of the stylish sciences. Note the timetable for certain required courses. 

Necessities – 10 Courses 

Despite the general necessities of the University as portrayed out in the Bulletin of Undergraduate Instruction, an understudy wishing to graduate as a music major with an A.B. (Four year training in aesthetic sciences) degree must complete the going with courses in the Department of Music: 

The music major requires 10 full course credits, no under 8 of which should be at the 100-level or above (excepting MUSIC 115S, 116S, 117, 120, 126, 140, 161, 161-1, 171, 172, 176, 190S, and 190FS), or more study in associated music (see underneath.) 


MUSIC 261: Theory and Practice of Tonal Music I 

NOTE: MUSIC 161 might be taken first as a therapeutic course for understudies with lacking establishment, yet it doesn't check toward the major. 

Course Requirements 

MUSIC 361: Theory and Practice of Tonal Music II 

MUSIC 461: Theory and Practice of Tonal Music III 

MUSIC 255S: Music History I Medieval and Renaissance (completing before 1600) 

MUSIC 256S: Music History II (1600-Mozart) 

MUSIC 257: Music History III (Beethoven through WWI) 

MUSIC 258: Music History IV (Post-WWI through the presen

Electrical and Computer Engineering - Duke University in United State Electrical and Computer Engineering -   Duke University in United State Reviewed by University Collage Info on 02:18 Rating: 5

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