Political Science, BA (Poli Sci) - Keiser University

This framework is open in the going with grounds: 

Pioneer Residential Campus, Fort Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale Online Division, Fort Myers, Jacksonville, Lakeland, Melbourne, Miami, Orlando, Pembroke Pines, San Marcos, Carazo, Nicaragua, Sarasota, Tampa 

The Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science examines government approach, frames, political doing combating, political theory, legitimate studies, and general relations. The degree has an in number human sciences focus and look into focus proposed to arrange understudies for graduate level get ready in a variety of controls close by section level work in a huge gathering of various fields. This is a far reaching range program that familiarizes understudies with the general examination of the field of political science, and is suited for understudies with an excitement for open course of action, remote issues, issues in movement and the earth and also those searching for an educational foundation for work in political campaigns. 

Program Objectives 

The going with targets are expected to meet Keiser University's principle objective and its destinations: 

Illuminate the components of government in American society. 

Illuminate the differences between various government and money related structures. 

Illuminate diverse political theories. 

Apply a framework for cognizance the political, money related, social, obvious, and philosophical underpinnings of various political hypotheses. 

Separate the piece of US remote system on the planet today. 

Understand the stressors that people, normal resources, and common issues have on political frameworks. 

Understand the piece of general conclusion on political behavior. 

Separate the piece of expansive correspondences in the political structure. 

Separate nearby strains and commonplace strengths with a particular finished objective to uncover their vitality to overall relations. 

Develop an appreciation of APA game plan and writing in the field of political science. 

Essentials for Major Courses 

Completing of all lower level courses with a "C" or better. 

The going with lower division courses, if not taken as an element of an accomplice's venture, must be successfully completed before beginning upper division noteworthy courses ( Course equivalency is set up by the senior individual from academic endeavors from power transcripts got from commonly approve foundations ): 

  • Normal Science 
  • Preface to Comparative Government and Politics 
  • Macroeconomics 
  • English Composition II 
  • Overall Relations 
  • School Algebra or College Mathematics 
  • Political Science 
  • Prologue to Political Theory 
  • Estimations...

Political Science, BA (Poli Sci) - Keiser University Political Science, BA (Poli Sci) -  Keiser University Reviewed by University Collage Info on 01:35 Rating: 5

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