Software Engineering, BS - Keiser University

This framework is available in the going with grounds: 

Melbourne, Pembroke Pines, Port St. Lucie, San Marcos, Carazo, Nicaragua, Tampa 

Keiser University's Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering gets prepared understudies with the learning and rational aptitudes to work in section level positions within the calling. Programming building relates to the conceptualization, layout, use, sending and backing of programming courses of action (programming headway life cycle). At its middle, the framework hopes to give the theoretical essentials of programming change joined with a thankfulness and cognizance of sensible points of view and abilities required by industry. The framework is proposed to develop progression through flexibility of programming outlining as a business basic intuition control. 

Program Objectives 

The going with objectives are planned to meet Keiser University's principle objective and its objectives. 

Give understudies a broad establishment in programming building strategy and frameworks. 

Give the theoretical and formal foundations to ensure precision in the item lifecycle. 

Educate understudies in the endorsement and check of Software old rarities. 

Help graduates in getting section level positions in the field of programming building. 

Make, within understudies, a gratefulness for the criticalness of breathtaking business instinct and social capacities in a typical Software Engineering environment. 

Essentials for Major Courses 

Framework Outline 

To get a Bachelor of Science degree in Software Engineering, understudies must win 137.0 semester credit hours. Program essentials are according to the accompanying:

Software Engineering, BS - Keiser University Software Engineering, BS - Keiser University Reviewed by University Collage Info on 00:20 Rating: 5

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