History Department - University of Nebraska (Lincoln, NE)

Analyzing history sets you up for whatever way you might pick. By looking at mankind's past you will make sense of how find answers isolated, decipher and evaluate cases, gather information, and grant what you've understood through forming and talking. Such aptitudes will make you a profound established learner who can alter and make, both professionally and before long. 

Our degree in history adds to understudies' abilities to get some data about the past, assemble material information to answer such request, unravel and consider sources, create suitably and wisely about the results of their examination, and attract others with the eventual outcomes of their learning. 

Majors and Minors 

History (B.A.,B.S.): Courses are offered in Global, U.S., European, Latin American, and Asian history, with focal spotlights on sex, African American, Native American, East Asian, environmental, social, and restorative subjects. 

Courses underline attracting understudies in the hands-on mission for history through examination, field trips to important districts, organization learning wanders, furthermore highlighting the getting of data through the examination of key sources. Understudies have flexibility in picking courses, as over a huge part of the courses they take are elective, allowing them to change their major. 

See all degree necessities. 

Think Abroad 

The History Department urges understudies to think abroad. In various events this study is combined with vernacular learning. It in like manner allows understudies to study history where it happened, and add to an extensiveness of experience which is fundamental to convincing bona fide examination.

History Department - University of Nebraska (Lincoln, NE) History Department - University of Nebraska (Lincoln, NE) Reviewed by University Collage Info on 04:43 Rating: 5

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