Chemical Science - University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI)

The Department of Chemistry offers five majors to school understudies. The examination of Chemistry develops the ability to handle issues and to think fundamentally. 

If you have request not answered here, please contact the Chemistry Undergraduate Office. 

Major in Chemistry 

B.S. degree for the people who aching to get prepared for occupations in the substance business, guideline, and related fields. See our Advising page for Chemistry Major worksheet. 

Major in Biochemistry 

B.S. degree in Biochemistry is for understudies roused by getting some answers concerning presence from an invention perspective. Grand status for graduate studies in natural science, compound science, and other life sciences fields; radiant course of action for master callings in industry and drug. See our Advising page for Biochemistry Major worksheet. 

Major in Biomolecular Science 

B.S. Biomolecular Sciences outfits understudies with the inside data imperative to understand the substance norms supporting science and the distinct option for examine diverse courses in science, biophysics, and nuclear, cell and developmental science. Consider this major just if you are organizing a job outside the natural sciences. If you intend to look for after graduate studies or a mechanical occupation in the regular science or related domains, you are unequivocally asked to pick the Biochemistry major. See our Advising page for Biomolecular Science Major worksheet.

Chemical Science - University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI) Chemical Science - University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI) Reviewed by University Collage Info on 22:40 Rating: 5

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