Public Safety Administration, BS - Keiser University

This undertaking is available in the going with grounds: 

Post Lauderdale Online Division, Fort Myers, Jacksonville, Lakeland, Orlando, Pembroke Pines, Port St. Lucie, San Marcos, Carazo, Nicaragua, Sarasota, Tampa 

The Bachelor of Science degree in Public Safety Administration will offer a mix of open association and organization courses that accentuation on open methodology issues running from spending arrangement progression to give making and property organization, definitive law, social game plan and event response. The framework will give a thorough instructive projects that will allow understudies with existing accomplice degrees in supported related fields to complete their baccalaureate degree and look for after expert achievement. Graduates will be orchestrated to deal with the interest for finished managers in fire workplaces, emergency restorative organization workplaces, police and sheriff's specializations and other authoritative offices extensively. 

Program Objectives 

The going with destinations are proposed to meet Keiser University's principle objective and its goals: 

Develop a perception of open association organization within the setting of open wellbeing divisions. 

Pick up aptitudes in staff organization, honor creating, administrative law, property organization and publicizing remembering the deciding objective to sufficiently control workplaces and work with the gathering. 

Develop a perception of intergovernmental relations, how government all levels–local, state, and national–must collaborate to give open wellbeing and social organizations effectively. 

Make emergency gets prepared for terrible events to ensure open security and the suitable operation of their specializations. 

Essentials for Major Courses 

A base 24 semester credit hours of general guideline courses must be earned by understudies trading credits from another accomplice degree program. 

Graduation from an approve accomplice degree program in a confirmed field: 

  • Fire Science 
  • Paramedical Science 
  • Wrongdoing Scene Technology 
  • Criminal Justice 
  • Nation Security 
  • Paralegal Studies 

The going with lower division courses must be viably completed before beginning upper division critical courses ( Course equivalency is developed by the dignitary of academic issues from power transcripts got from commonly authorized associations ): 

  • ENC2102 English Composition II 
  • STA2023 Statistics 
  • MAC2105 College Algebra or MGF2106 College Mathematics 
  • POS1041 Political Science 
  • PSY1012 Psycho.
Public Safety Administration, BS - Keiser University Public Safety Administration, BS - Keiser University Reviewed by University Collage Info on 00:49 Rating: 5

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