Health Information Management, BS (HIM) - Keiser University

This venture is available in the going with grounds: 

Keiser University's Bachelor of Science degree in Health Information Management arranges understudies to fill in as Health Information Administrators (RHIA) who can participate with all levels of an affiliation –clinical, cash related, administrative, and information systems –that use understanding data in decision making and common operations. Understudies take in the central information and capacities to wind up experts in administering tenacious wellbeing information and therapeutic records, controlling PC information systems, assembling and separating persistent data, and using plan structures and restorative wordings. They similarly learn helpful, administrative, moral and legal requirements and benchmarks related to social protection transport and the security of guaranteed wellbeing information. 

The venture outfits understudies with the data and aptitudes vital to position themselves as the essential association between thought suppliers, payers, and patients by having fundamental instinct and basic speculation limits and also correspondence and interpersonal capacities. The undertaking moreover bestows a guarantee to enduring learning and fundamental good qualities. The undertaking supports the securing of activity limits and systems thinking basic for altering callings within a changing human administrations environment. 

acc-logoThe Bachelor Degree Health Information Management program at Keiser University, Fort Lauderdale grounds, is authorized by the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM), 

Program Outcome 

In 2014, 100% of Keiser University Health Information Management BS degree venture graduates adequately searching for occupation were used in their field within six months of graduation. 

Program Objectives 

  • The going with objectives are planned to meet Keiser University's fundamental objective and its objectives. 
  • To make Health Information Administrators who can act as the fundamental association between human administrations suppliers, payers, and patients. 
  • To make Health Information Administrators who posses expansive learning of restorative, administrative, moral and real essentials and rules related to social protection movement and the security of guaranteed patient information. 
  • To make Health Information Administrators who can work together with all levels of an affiliation – clinical, budgetary, legitimate, and information structures – that use understanding data in decision – making and normal operations. 
  • To add to an understudy's ability to think in a general sense and pass on satisfactorily. 
  • To plan understudies in the use of the helpful lingo and gathering structures used to code conclusions and strategies in patient records for movement of thought, therapeutic administrations reimbursement, and remedial investigation. 

To get prepared and help graduates in obtaining section level business in wellbeing data

Health Information Management, BS (HIM) - Keiser University Health Information Management, BS (HIM) -  Keiser University Reviewed by University Collage Info on 02:56 Rating: 5

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