Electrical Engineering - University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI)

Electrical Engineering 

Program Information 

EE Major Program Guide, For understudies starting Fall 2013* or later (.pdf) 

EE Major Program Guide, For understudies starting Summer 2013* or former (.pdf) 

*Date suggests the first gone through an understudy takes U-M CoE courses. 

EE Minor Information 

Course Descriptions Information 

EECS Course (Overviews of picked courses related to the student programs in electrical building and PC outlining) 

EECS Course Catalog (from College of Engineering Bulletin) 

Remarkable Topics Courses 

Electrical building is at the heart of present day development and headway from PCs to human administrations, contraptions, space advancement, musical systems, automobiles, mechanical self-rule, biomedical devices, and imperativeness/power structures.
Electrical Engineering - University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI) Electrical Engineering - University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI) Reviewed by University Collage Info on 23:51 Rating: 5

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