Health Science, BS - Keiser University

This undertaking is open in the going with grounds: 

Clearwater, Daytona Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale Online Division, Fort Myers, Jacksonville, Lakeland, Melbourne, Miami, New Port Richey, Orlando, Pembroke Pines, Port St. Lucie, San Marcos, Carazo, Nicaragua, Sarasota, Tallahassee, Tampa, West Palm Beach 

Keiser University's Bachelor of Science degree in Health Science is a completion program for graduated class of accomplice of science activities in united wellbeing fields. The instructive projects supports an expanded capable part, enhances interdisciplinary appreciation and gives a base to graduate preparing. 

Program Objectives 

The going with targets are proposed to meet Keiser University's primary objective and its destinations: 

To overhaul understudies' drive limits in the restorative administrations field. 

To explore the political, honest to goodness and good issues that impact on the demonstration of restorative administrations. 

To develop interdisciplinary perception and joint exertion. 

To add to a therapeutic administrations supplier's ability to teach clients, accomplices or understudies. 

Prerequisites for Major Courses 

Graduation from a regionally authorized accomplice degree program in a united wellbeing field. 

A base 24 semester credit hours of general instructional classes must be earned by understudies trading credits from another accomplice degree program. 

The going with lower division courses must be adequately completed before beginning upper division genuine courses ( Course equivalency is developed by the Dean of Academic Affairs from power transcripts got from regionally authorized establishments ): 

  • DEP2004 Life Span Development 
  • ECO102 Microeconomics 
  • ENC2102 English Composition II 
  • MAC2105 College Algebra or MGF2106, College Mathematics 
  • STA2023 Statistics

Health Science, BS - Keiser University Health Science, BS - Keiser University Reviewed by University Collage Info on 02:47 Rating: 5

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