Chemistry - Slippery Rock University


Offered by: Chemistry 

The Chemistry significant will set you up to be a physicist. Through the educational modules, you'll be arranged to enter the occupation advertise straightforwardly or to proceed with your instruction in either a graduate or expert system.


As a science huge at SRU, you'll take a courses proposed to brace your cognizance of normal, inorganic, symptomatic, physical, and natural science. 

You'll take address and investigate focus courses in front line workplaces with little class sizes taught by faculty made plans to individualized correspondence. You'll conduct tries that will give you contribution with current made and interpretive frameworks, furthermore opportunities to use a wide blended sack of instruments. 

The Chemistry program at SRU will outfit you with an in number establishment in science as a taking after's outcome:

  • Little class sizes with top notch guideline 
  • The chance to do undergrad research and work one-on-one with staff 
  • Hands-on involvement with best in class instruments in upper level classes 

The Chemistry program at Slippery Rock University is certified by the American Chemical Society (ACS).

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Chemistry - Slippery Rock University Chemistry   -   Slippery Rock University Reviewed by University Collage Info on 04:25 Rating: 5

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