sociology - Grayson College


Program Description 

The Sociology major offered at Grayson College arranges understudies trading to various schools and universities for Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degrees. A courses' few said in the pathway for Sociology majors underline the change of informative and essential hypothesis capacities. 

Affirmation Information and Criteria

Grayson College requires that you have a High School Diploma or practically identical or the Ability To Benefit. 

Understudies must be school arranged in scrutinizing, forming and math in light of Grayson College's Success Initiative Plan. 

For extra information contact the Office of Admissions. 

Degree Plan

Human science majors will take after the Liberal Arts pathway for exchange to a college. View the Liberal Arts degree plan to see what courses will be taken. Understudies are urged to look for course guidance from the planned exchange college. 

Vocation Pathways 

Finishing your enlightening destinations in the most concise measure of time possible, and conceivably assembling affirmations along the way, will help you with joining the workforce speedier. There are different ways to deal with accomplish your target, and Grayson College's "Pathways" will help you with envisioning this basic outing you talk reality to begin. Visit Career Pathways. 

Employment Coach 

Explore our Career Coach framework to examine the various occupations, get ready proposals, pay rates, work advancement and interest gauge, and more to make sense of which way is most suitable for you. It's free!

sociology - Grayson College sociology  -  Grayson College Reviewed by University Collage Info on 01:49 Rating: 5

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