Visual and Communication Arts - Eastern Mennonite University

Visual and Communication Arts

The Visual and Communication Arts Department (VACA) offers majors in studio craftsmanship, workmanship preparing, correspondence, propelled media and photography. These majors get prepared understudies to look for after master livelihoods in a blended sack of jobs and to look for after graduate work in an assortment of tasks. 

Majors and Minors 

Our majors get prepared understudies to move gently from the studio, to the display, to the field and to the screen in their innovative activities. Curious about the expert potential results for EMU alums? Visit our VACA employments page..

                                                                                Workmanship major and 
                                                                                craftsmanship training underwriting 
Gets ready understudies who will seek after expert workmanship related professions, free fine art and graduate work in craftsmanship. The workmanship significant offers a mixture of studio expressions choices after understudies complete a main subjects. 
Correspondence major 
Understudies take a general gathering of center courses alongside the foundational courses in a mixture of electronic media, composition and hypothesis courses. 

Advanced media major 

Understudies focus on the intersection purpose of the web, propelled video, sound and photography within a growing bunch of transport structures. 

Photography major 

Photography majors fabricate a solid structure in cutting edge photography hone and speculation. Understudies learn studio/field hones, study visual speculation, and attract the gathering through story work and protection photography.

Visual and Communication Arts - Eastern Mennonite University Visual and Communication Arts  -  Eastern Mennonite University Reviewed by University Collage Info on 03:08 Rating: 5

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