Computer Science/Computer Information Systems - Grayson College

Software engineering/Computer Information Systems 

Getting an in number foundation in understanding PCs and the advancement business will set the stage for a productive trade to various four year school instruction programs. Understudies who complete Grayson College's Associate of Science degree in Computer Science/Computer Information Systems consistently trade to four-year associations to complete a higher degree in Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, and Computer Engineering with slightest inconvenience. Understudies should counsel with the trade school for specific requirements. Various GC understudies trade locally to Southeastern Oklahoma State University, University of Texas at Dallas, University of North Texas, Texas An and M University-Commerce, and Austin College. 

Various programming building related courses might be accepted for non-affirmation through the Grayson College Continuing Education division. Some of these CE courses begin month to month!

Course Requirements 
  • Grayson College requires an auxiliary school endorsement or measure up to. 
  • A courses' bit require essentials. Insinuate the GC list for specific information. 
  • The Associate of Science Degree requires productive completing of the TSI necessities. 
  • Understudies should take Programming Fundamentals (COSC 1336) the first semester.
Degree Plan 
View the degree plan to see what courses will be taken. 

Profession Pathways 

Finishing your enlightening destinations in the most short measure of time possible, and maybe assembling capabilities along the way, will help you with joining the workforce faster. There are different ways to deal with accomplish your target, and Grayson College's "Pathways" will help you with envisioning this fundamental outing you talk reality to begin. Visit Career Pathways.

Computer Science/Computer Information Systems - Grayson College Computer Science/Computer Information Systems  -  Grayson College Reviewed by University Collage Info on 03:50 Rating: 5

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