Division of Compound, Civil and Mechanical Engineering (CCME) - McNeese State University

Division of Compound, Civil and Mechanical Engineering (CCME) 

Division Head: 
Dr. Pankaj Chandra 
Borden, Dermisis, Chandra, Griffith, Kiritsis, Li, Sullivan, Transvalidou, Uppot, Zhang 
Division of Chemical, Civil, and Mechanical Engineering 
Drew Hall, Room 140 
Box 91735, MSU 
Lake Charles, LA 70609-1780 
Email: ccme@mcneese.edu 
Tel: (337) 475-5874 Fax: (337) 475-5286 

CCME Department Mission 

The Department of Chemical, Civil and Mechanical Engineering gives a professionally drew in preparing in the fields of above three building controls. Our understudies are prepared to hone in their picked field focusing on the mechanical and business needs of the locale. The requirements of standard and non-ordinary understudies are met through close collaboration with staff, associations, and the mechanical gathering in a practice-organized understudy pleasant environment. The workplace keeps up ABET approve current instructive projects that develop interdisciplinary coordinated effort, clever progression, wanders, passage level positions, capable ethics, and planning with neighborhood associations or business wanders. Our understudies are prepared to consider for bleeding edge degrees and work in nearby associations or business wanders. 

Building Program Mission

The Engineering Program gives training in synthetic, common, electrical, and mechanical designing that is professionally engaged and practice-arranged inside of an understudy agreeable environment. We set up our understudies to work on designing, concentrating on the mechanical needs of the district. We address the issues of customary and non-conventional understudies through close contact with the workforce, the staff, and mechanical architects and supervisors in our locale. We keep up an up and coming educational modules that encourages between disciplinary collaboration, academic advancement, participation with territorial industry, and building morals. 

Building Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) 

The Engineering Program Educational Objectives are: 

  • To get ready graduates to work on designing and to be effective in tackling the building issues experienced in industry, government, or private practice. 
  • To give graduates the inspiration and aptitudes to progress into positions of expanded obligation and to seek after proceeding with instruction or graduate studies 
  • To deliver graduates who are moral and expert as specialists as well as are dependable individuals from their groups and the bigger society.

Division of Compound, Civil and Mechanical Engineering (CCME) - McNeese State University Division of Compound, Civil and Mechanical Engineering (CCME)   -  McNeese State University Reviewed by University Collage Info on 01:15 Rating: 5

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