CHEMEKETA COMMUNITY COLLEGE - Computer Information Systems Course Descriptions

Computer Information Systems Course Descriptions

CIS060 Techniques of User Training 

Presents showing techniques, materials and instructional outline as identified with preparing PC clients. Essential: Second-year remaining in the Computer Systems and Information Technology program. Sp 

CIS101 Intro to Microcomputer Apps 

Presents the essential microcomputer equipment/programming framework. Covers the ideas of framework programming and application programming including word handling, spreadsheet, database, presentation and prologue to Internet. Suggested: Touch keyboarding capacity and position into RD090 or higher; or assent of teacher. F, W, Sp, Su 

CIS101CE CIS101 Challenge Exam 

PC Information Science 

CIS102A Cyber Security and Safety 

Gives vital data of the security, political and social issues, and human parts concerning the usage of current PC progresses. Covers how people are affected by PC security breaks and development misuse. Discusses electronic voting, Radio Frequency Identification marks, territory based after advancements, and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Examines PC security enterprises, for instance, pad surge, Denial of Service, mimicking, diseases, Trojan Horses, phishing and pharming traps, and interference area. Consolidates how to shield yourself from harmful PC works out. Vital: CIS101 or CIS120, either with an assessment of C or better; or similar learning as directed by instructor; or consent of educator. W, Sp 

CIS120 Digital Literacy 

Presents wording and chart of the chronicled change of PC and information science. Focuses on the vital thoughts of PC hardware and programming structures, the craft of information representation, and the foremost parts of framework setup and scripting dialect. Joins thoughts sustained in an exploration focus environment. Key: Placement into MTH095 or higher, and RD115 or higher; or MTH070 or higher with an assessment of C or better; or consent of instructor. F, W, Sp 

CIS120A CIS Pathway

Opens understudies to a wide range of vocation opportunities in PC data sciences and PC innovation, and helps with arranging a scholastic pathway at Chemeketa Community College. F, W

CHEMEKETA COMMUNITY COLLEGE - Computer Information Systems Course Descriptions CHEMEKETA COMMUNITY COLLEGE - Computer Information Systems  Course Descriptions Reviewed by University Collage Info on 02:32 Rating: 5

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