Walden University - Education Specialist Programs

Online EdS Degree Programs at Walden University 
Increase your influence and impact.

When you get an Education Specialist (EdS) degree on the web, you can extend particular limits that can offer you with taking your business some assistance with furthering—and make a positive, supportable effect on understudy learning and accomplishment. Walden's EdS exercises are wanted to give you pushed information and association abilities to set you up to wind up a crucial educator in a mixed sack of K–12 settings. Study the most recent upgrades through quick legitimate examinations and veritable circumstances, while utilizing stream examination and headway to explore complex instructive issues.

In case you're not masterminded to search for after a doctorate, the EdS degree is a speedier, more sensible approach to manage expand your ability in a particular degree, upgrade you're worth as an instructor, and fit the bill for an action part. As an EdS understudy, you will finish a joined capstone meander instead of a doctoral study or work. 

Through Walden's Lifelong Learner Pathway, you can change to the EdD program without hoping to begin by the day's end—sparing you time and cash. 

Discover the Education Specialist degree online that best fits your instructive objectives underneath: 

  • EdS in Assessment, Evaluation, and Accountability 
  • EdS in Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment 
  • EdS in Early Childhood Education 
  • EdS in Educational Administration and Leadership (Non-Licensure) 
  • EdS in Educational Leadership and Administration (Principal Preparation) 
  • EdS in Educational Technology 
  • EdS in Reading, Literacy, and Assessment (Non-Licensure) 

Walden University - Education Specialist Programs Walden University - Education Specialist Programs Reviewed by University Collage Info on 01:51 Rating: 5

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