Eastern Mennonite University - Engineering Studies for the Common Good

Engineering Studies for the Common Good

EMU offers a noteworthy in pre-building, which is intended to set you up with the maintainability and peacebuiding center you look for. 

Designing includes critical thinking at the commonsense, exploratory and hypothetical levels. There are numerous fields in building: electrical, mechanical, modern, natural, structural and that's just the beginning. At EMU, you'll get the preparation you require with an accentuation on EMU center values, for example, culturally diverse mindfulness, peacebuilding, manageability and administration to others. 

Why Attend EMU Before Transferring to an Engineering School? 

Minimal, great classes in material science, number-crunching, programming building and beginning planning. 

One-on-one thought from instructors who are mentors 

Tasteful sciences classes like Bible, music, visual and COMMUNICATION expressions, history, remote vernacular and composing 

A pivotal multifaceted venture 

Associating with activities such as music, haven, intramurals, theater, NCAA DIII amusements, SGA, creation care, grounds administrations, and the sky is the point of confinement from that point!

Double degree designing project 

Our twofold degree framework licenses you to gain both a tasteful sciences (or math) degree from EMU and a building degree from the Catholic University of America (CUA). You'll put in approximately two years on EMU's grounds, immersed in investigation, material science and beginning science, advancement, outlining and math courses. 

The third's fall year, you'll move to EMU's Washington Community Scholars' Center in Washington, D.C. (WCSC), fulfilling your socially various need and grabbing impermanent position experience and critical get ready. (WCSC understudies abide in the WCSC house, in the Brookland neighborhood in upper east D.C., with up to 15 understudies from EMU and other Mennonite colleges.) 

In the third's spring year, you'll trade to neighboring CUA and put in two years completing additional building course essentials. Here is more data on planning learns at Catholic University of America. 

Upon completion, understudies will ascend with four year school trainings from both EMU and CUA.

Eastern Mennonite University - Engineering Studies for the Common Good Eastern Mennonite University - Engineering Studies for the Common Good Reviewed by University Collage Info on 01:10 Rating: 5

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