University of Denver (Denver, CO) - Computer Science

Computer Science

Programming designing conceals the speculation and techniques by which information is encoded, secured, COMMUNICATED, changed and inspected. It is concerned with the speculation of figurings (that is, effective systems or ventures), with the structure of tongues for the revelation of estimations and with the blueprint of computations for the game plan of valuable issues. A central concern is the PC's examination structures (gear and programming) for the customized execution of these computations.

The Department of Computer Science at the University of Denver offers a four year instruction in science in programming building. The degree is insistently arranged in number-crunching and, really, an understudy will normally obtain satisfactory credits for a minor in science. One additional minor is required. The second minor might be in any request other than number-crunching or programming building. 

Four year affirmation in exploratory studies MAJOR REQUIREMENTS 

(183 credits required for the degree) 

Despite genuine course work, a minor in science is required. You should imply the Department of Mathematics for unobtrusive components. 

56 credits, including the going with: 
  • COMP 1671 Introduction to Computer Science I 4 
  • COMP 1672 Introduction to Computer Science II 4 
  • COMP 2300 Discrete Structures in Computer Science 1-4 
  • COMP 2355 Intro to Systems Programming 4 
  • COMP 2370 Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures 4 
  • COMP 2673 Introduction to Computer Science III 4 
  • COMP 2691 Introduction to Computer Organization 4 
  • COMP 3351 Programming Languages 4 
  • COMP 3361 Operating Systems I 4 .


Complete 20 credits of 3000-level programming designing courses. 1 20 

Total Credits 56 

COMP 2400 Software Tools might be used to satisfy four of the required 3000-level elective credits, however COMP 3904 Internship/Co-Op in Computing may not be used as a part of thusly. 


20 credits, including the going with: 

  • COMP 1671 Introduction to Computer Science I 4 
  • COMP 1672 Introduction to Computer Science II 4 
  • COMP 2673 Introduction to Computer Science III 4 
  • Understudies are asked to take: 
  • COMP 2300 Discrete Structures in Computer Science 1-4 
  • COMP 2370 Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures 4 
  • Total Credits 20 

Additional courses are at risk to advance created support by an instructor from the product designing work force.

Connected Computing 

The four year accreditation in human sciences in associated figuring gives a quality guideline to the authentic PC customer. It supplements the workplace's four year accreditation in experimental studies in programming giving in order to design a system that joins COLLABORATION with various divisions and an applications-arranged highlight. An impending BA in associated enlisting genuine must satisfy each one of the necessities for the four year training in aesthetic sciences degree as represented in the University Undergraduate Bulletin. 

This major was made in dialog with the School of Art and Art History. A minor or twofold essential in new mechanized practices and associated enlisting supplement each other wonderfully.

University of Denver (Denver, CO) - Computer Science University of Denver (Denver, CO) - Computer Science Reviewed by University Collage Info on 03:21 Rating: 5

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