Economics Education in United State - Claremont McKenna College


The Economics major is an insightful's piece arrangement of the Robert Day School of Economics and Finance. Complement is determined to understanding monetary behavior and associations and the headway of specific logical capacities. A money related matters major is especially fitting for understudies enthused about livelihoods within business, accounting, law, government, or teaching. 

Understudies majoring in budgetary perspectives take a blend of courses suited to their particular pastimes. Huge necessities are versatile and, with underwriting of the workforce's seat, can be changed to fit the framework distractions of individual understudies. Liberal obtainments are made for the individual understudy, either as an important or as a non-major, to pick electives from a wide summary of extraordinary interest courses. 

Money related matters Major 

Huge Requirements 

The huge in budgetary perspectives requires 10 courses, dispersed as takes after: 

1. Focus Requirement (4 courses) 

ECON 050 CM - Principles of Economic Analysis 

ECON 101 CM - Intermediate Microeconomics 

ECON 102 CM - Intermediate Macroeconomics 

ECON 125 CM - Econometrics 

2. Electives (6 courses) 

Level I Electives (0-2 courses) 

Level I electives require just ECON 050 CM as a fundamental. 

Majors might check up to 2 level I electives towards the major. 

Level II Electives (4-6 courses) 

Level II electives require ECON 101 CM and/or ECON 102 CM as a fundamental. 

Majors must take no under 4 level II electives for the major. 


ECON 101 CM and ECON 102 CM require culmination of crucial examination at the level of MATH 030 CM - Calculus I, or higher. 

ECON 125 CM requires culmination of a school level estimations course or the equivalent; understudies with a score of 4 or 5 on AP Statistics exam will have met this need. Understudies without a prior school level estimations course for the most part take ECON 120 CM - Statistics as a crucial for ECON 125 CM. Understudies might consider ECON 120 CM a level I elective course toward the major. 

Understudies must complete ECON 101 CM and/or ECON 102 CM before taking level II elective courses in the major. 

Budgetary matters Accounting courses (ECON 086 CM and ECON 149 CM through ECON 159 CM, with the exception of ECON 151 CM and ECON 157 CM) are level I elective courses for monetary angles majors.
    Economics Education in United State - Claremont McKenna College Economics Education in United State - Claremont McKenna College Reviewed by University Collage Info on 04:03 Rating: 5

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