Concord University - Political Science (BA)

Political Science (BA)
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The level of Bachelor of Arts, with a paramount in political science, requires successful fulfillment of 120 semester hours, including (1) the Program of General Studies, which should fuse six hours of one outside vernacular; (2) the political science venture recorded underneath including productive zenith of a thorough exam (some bit of the required capstone course, POSC 450); and (3) an arrangement of electives OR a minor as worked out with the understudy's guide.

Political Science 

Courses in Political Science are planned to strengthen in understudies a more conspicuous care and perception of political foundations, methodology, associations, and their shrouded benchmarks. One target of these courses is to make the crucial interest and gifted group intrigue that are so fundamental to the backing of a basically, skilled and prominence based society. Additionally, the framework is proposed to get prepared understudies for graduate study and graduate school.

Understudies searching for the Bachelor of Arts degree might get an important or a minor in political science. Note the required assessment ordinary in the Division of Social Sciences. 

Political Science Major Requirements 

  • 33 Hours 
  • POSC 101 Introduction to Political Science (3) 

  • POSC 104 American Federal Government (3) 
  • POSC 303 International Relations (3) or 
  • POSC 304 Comparative Government (3) 
  • POSC 450 Seminar in Political Science (3) 
  • POSC 472 Political Science Internship (3).

Concord University - Political Science (BA) Concord University - Political Science (BA) Reviewed by University Collage Info on 23:56 Rating: 5

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