Classical Studies in United State - Duke University

Classical Studies

For more data contact 

Executive of Graduate Studies 

Branch of Classical Studies 

Duke University 

Box 90103 

Durham, NC 27708-0103 

(919) 681-4292, Fax: (919) 681-4262 

General Information 

Degree offered: Ph.D., JD/MA (Note: Applicants fascinated by the JD/MA will make application to the Law School rather than to the Graduate School.) Faculty working with understudies: 10 Students: 17 Students getting Financial Aid: 100% Spring Application: No Part time study available: No Test required: GRE General Application Deadlines 

Program Description 

The workplace supporters work in all parts of antiquated times Greek and Latin composing, and also history, hypothesis, and workmanship and old investigation as well. Productive possibility to the Program must have no under three years of one old lingo (the vernaculars being Greek and Latin), and no under two of the other. We have an in number, balanced framework in unique, unquestionable, social, and archeological studies, consolidating extraordinary expertise in account contemplates - papyrology, palaeography, and epigraphy. Our forte is a vital bit of both Duke's Center for Late Ancient Studies and Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Resources for Classical Studies join colossal gatherings of obsolete Greek papyri and medieval Greek and Latin arrangements, the Rostovtzeff-Welles library, and the Duke Immersive Environment and other virtual reality labs, and the Classical Collection of Greek and Roman Art in the Nasher Museum of Art. We take an enthusiasm for the ventures of the American Academy in Rome and the American School in Athens; various understudies put in a year or a late spring at one or the other. Understudies in our venture are competent, through course work, facilitated investigation, and their own specific teaching, to anticipate livelihoods of appearing and look into as broadly arranged built up scientists. 

Additional Application Materials 

We stimulate a composed work test and a summary of the Greek and Latin journalists/compositions you have examined in the first tongues. These can be exchanged particularly as Additional Materials while introducing the application. It should simply be sent to graduate assertions if the hopeful is not ready to do all things considered.

Classical Studies in United State - Duke University Classical Studies in United State - Duke University Reviewed by University Collage Info on 23:41 Rating: 5

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