University of Denver (Denver, CO) - Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Mechanical and Materials Engineering

Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Mechanical and Materials Engineering

The Departments' central goal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and Mechanical and Materials Engineering (MME) at the student level is to offer tasks that support and supplement the University mission; to give a general student preparing in PC, electrical, and mechanical outlining that gets prepared understudies for occupation or graduate study; to consolidate interdisciplinary building work in all activities; to engage the master status of the workforce; and to urge the master thoughtfulness regarding the understudies. This declaration minimalistically totals up the goals and destinations of our ventures. Each Engineering degree are authorized by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.1 

You will find information about the going with subjects underneath: 

  • Program Educational Objective 
  • Program Components 
  • Building Design 
  • Course of Study 
  • PINs and Undergraduate Research Assistantships 
  • Think Abroad 
  • Essentials of Engineering (FE) Exam and Enrollment as an Engineer-Intern (EI) 


  • The student program focuses of the Electrical and Computer and Mechanical and Materials Engineering Departments are to make graduates who, within two or three years of graduation: 
  • Apply their building and basic speculation aptitudes towards outlining deal with, building doctoral level school, or non-building fields, for instance, remedy, science, business, law, or open methodology, while continuing joining in dependable learning. 
  • Regard and display character in their picked work by acting constantly, ethically, and professionally while adding to a viable fundamental valuable for society. 
  • View their informational experience as gainful and instrumental to their master accomplishment. 

  • Most of our outlining ventures have a couple portions: 
  • The University of Denver's Common Curriculum, which consolidates First-year Seminar, Writing and Rhetoric, Ways of Knowing, and Advanced Seminar; 
  • Key sciences and number juggling, including science, material science, and math; 
  • A normal building establishment, with responsibilities from crucial material in PC, electrical, and mechanical outlining; 
  • A four-year consolidated building course of action, concentrating on planning arrange and wander work, a lot of which is interdisciplinary and incorporates gainful cooperation; 
  • An outlining control (PC building, electrical planning, mechanical planning); 
  • A specialization giving the show more significance, or supplementing it, as demonstrated by the understudy's individual leisure activities.

University of Denver (Denver, CO) - Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Mechanical and Materials Engineering University of Denver (Denver, CO) - Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Mechanical and Materials Engineering Reviewed by University Collage Info on 03:32 Rating: 5

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