Virginia International University - Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BCS) project instructs and prepares understudies to make answers for data frameworks based needs and issues in business, budgetary, government and different associations. Our master facultyuse a progressive showing methodology which incorporates hypothesis with hands-on utilization of data innovation and business frameworks. 

VIU's inventive educational modules underlines the outline and utilization of PC innovation to create data preparing frameworks. This fabulous reasonable project gives understudies an expansive scope of PC information and down to earth abilities which can be connected to all present business and industry ranges. 

The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science(BCS) degree is earned by finishing an aggregate of 40 courses (120 Credit Hours). This project is for the most part finished inside of 8 semesters. Both on-grounds and online BCS projects are advertised. 

Exactly when understudies enter the BCS program, they will complete the 12 General Education courses (36 Credits Hours) crucial to the VIU BCS degree. By then, understudies will take 18 Professional Core Courses (54 Credit Hours), including seven Fundamental Courses (21 Credit Hours), four Programming courses (12 Credit Hours) and seven Application courses (21 Credit Hours). Finally, understudies will pick 10 Elective Courses (30 Credit Hours). 

Additional system essentials are recorded underneath: 

Understudies chose in the student program must keep up a total assessment point ordinary of no under 2.0 (B). 

No degree credit is earned for any assessment underneath 0.7 (D-), out of 4.0. Regardless, all assessments got, including those lower than 0.7 (D-) out of 4.0, will be joined into the assessment point typical calculation.

The most amazing time took into account the summit of any student task is 6 years. 

Student understudy might trade up to 60 credit hours earned at other approve associations. Then again, credit hours already numbered towards a four year school instruction gained from another foundation may not be traded. 

District #of Courses Credit Hours 

General Education 12 36 

Master Core 18 54 

Elective 10 30 

Complete 40 120 

General Education Courses (GEC) (12 Courses – 36 Credit Hours) 

The general guideline essentials are planned to give each understudy a broadness of association in a couple of academic trains. General guideline courses are planned to offer an understudy some assistance with building up an important perspective on social, political, investigative and money related issues. School understudies are required to meet the general preparing necessities recorded underneath. Understudies should pick 12 courses from the Common Academic Curriculum (CAC) in guidance with their educational advisors. On the off chance that it's not all that much inconvenience visit the CAC site for course posting.

Virginia International University - Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Virginia International University - Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Reviewed by University Collage Info on 03:26 Rating: 5

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