Spring Hill College (Mobile, AL) - MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING


Spring Hill College offers a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree project intended to get ready medical caretakers for authority in the medicinal services conveyance framework as Clinical Nurse Leaders (CNL). CNLs are propelled generalist clinicians who expect responsibility for patient-care results at the purpose of-consideration in any setting where medicinal services is conveyed. 

The MSN framework joins online courses and clinical blend with close-by preceptors to allow orderlies to complete degree requirements in their neighborhood assembles and work settings. 

Four tracks to the MSN degree are available, including: 

RN with Bachelor of Science in Nursing to MSN 

RN with Non-Nursing Baccalaureate to MSN 

RN with Master's Degree in Nursing Post-Master's Certificate 

RN with Associate Degree in Nursing/Nursing Diploma to MSN


We are especially happy to have formal relationship with a couple specialist's offices in the region and we work with various additional relationship to suit understudy needs. 

Woods Hill Memorial Hospital 

Convenient Infirmary Medical Center 

Thomas Hospital 

Monroe County Hospital 

Procurement Hospital 

Blessed individual Joseph's Hospital of Atlanta 

Springhill Medical Center 

Southeast Alabama Medical Center 


Ordinary class size: 10 

Estimated Male/Female Ratio: 20%/80% 

Ordinary student GPA: 3.75 

Ordinary years of work experience: 5 

What number of understudies are working specialists? 100% 


Hold a RN grant in the state where he or she chips away at nursing 

Have no less than one year of clinical experience 

Starting now works in a clinical setting access to a restorative administrations office 

Meet affirmations criteria fitting for the academic degree.

        Spring Hill College (Mobile, AL) - MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING Spring Hill College (Mobile, AL)  - MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING Reviewed by University Collage Info on 05:39 Rating: 5

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