Bachelor of Arts Special Education (K-12) - Leads to Teacher Licensure - Western Governors University

Degree Overview 

Four year confirmation in aesthetic sciences Special Education (K-12) - Leads to Teacher Licensure 

Our web demonstrating degree provoking particular educational programs accreditation will set you up to fill a basic need in your gathering. The B.A. Particular educational programs (K-12) program trains the substance learning and fruitful teaching aptitudes to end up a custom educational modules teacher for understudies with smooth to direct failures. This degree is a cross-full scale model for beginning certification. You'll transform into an exceedingly qualified educator masterminded to have any sort of impact with the people who need it most. In a couple communicates, the framework will incite twofold licensure in Elementary Education and Special Education. 

Note: WGU is the first just online school to get NCATE accreditation for its degree programs that incite teacher licensure, an exhibit of the way that WGU graduates have the data and aptitudes to be convincing in offering all understudies some help with learning. 

Who the Program is For: 

Individuals who require a four year confirmation and need to end up a guaranteed particular educational programs teacher. 

Unlicensed teachers, substitute instructors, occupation changers, surrendered military work power, school paraprofessionals, and other individuals who feel the call to instruct. 

Individuals who have completed some school coursework or have fitting work experience. 

Individuals who can frequently blaze through 15 or more hours for every week on their studies. 

This venture will be versatile and adaptable to your timetable. Show appearing and the partner class are offered twice consistently, in the fall and spring. Click here to make sense of how your framework capacities. 

What You'll Learn 

Imperative Knowledge and Skills 

This online degree program requires the satisfaction of coursework to ensure you have the urgent capacities and data you need to wind up an approved teacher, furthermore chip away at instructing in a genuine classroom and the culmination of a specialist portfolio.

Bachelor of Arts Special Education (K-12) - Leads to Teacher Licensure - Western Governors University Bachelor of Arts Special Education (K-12) - Leads to Teacher Licensure - Western Governors University Reviewed by University Collage Info on 03:41 Rating: 5

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