Music - Eastern Mennonite University

Music Major Concentrations: Music Education, Music Performance, Church Music, and Interdisciplinary Studies 

Minors: Music and Church Music 

EMU is somewhat Christian human sciences school settled in the delightful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. A four year confirmation in aesthetic sciences in music from EMU arranges graduates for work in music guideline, in execution, in expert's level school, in church music, and in other music-related reasons for living. 

Our music venture isn't about persevering competition… it's about building a gathering through music. 

5:20 To begin with year understudy Reed Meyer recorded his extraordinary song "Miles" while interning at Alive Studios, discovered just two squares from the EMU grounds. The catch highlights Reed on vocals, Jon Bishop on guitar, and Bruce Cypress on drums. 

Performing staff and understudies 

The workplace has a to an incredible degree dynamic performing workforce, on grounds and away who moreover try enormity in classroom and studio teaching. There are seven full-time music workforce, a moving number of low support staff, around 20-30 majors, and a much greater number of understudies who are incorporated into the outfits and in private study in the workplace. 

Presentations and appears 

We bolster more than 50 presentations and indicates yearly, including understudy outfit appears, senior and junior presentations, twelve presentations, workforce presentations, preparatory venture events, and the Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival. Each fall the music office composes a celebratory appear, performed by understudies and late graduate.

Music - Eastern Mennonite University Music  - Eastern Mennonite University Reviewed by University Collage Info on 23:48 Rating: 5

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