Master of Social Work by Research - University of the Sunshine Coast

Don't just go by the book – make it rather by doing new research in your field! 

Social work is an asking for calling that is persistently stretching out as society and individuals go up against new challenges. In this framework, you'll expand your knowledge and cognizance of social work practice and can tailor an investigation assignment to suit your individual interests. 

Complete one required research course and a recommendation. The examination part incorporates individualized investigation critical to your key zone/s of excitement as a specialist social worker. You can make a start toward the begin of any semester. 

This venture has your name on it if you have to push your educational confirmations in social work, have worked in the business for a long time, or need to get a higher degree by undertaking hone based investigation. 

Attestation necessities 

To be met all requirements for admission to Master of Social Work by Research candidature, competitors probably completed a specialist ability in social work, legitimately approve or saw by the Australian Association of Social Workers. 

Section by non-graduates who have material managerial or industry experience might be considered on a case-by-case premise by the Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Arts and Business. 

In exceptional cases applications might be considered on the reason of other affirmation of general and master capacities as supported by the Research Degrees Committee. 
Master of Social Work by Research - University of the Sunshine Coast Master of Social Work by Research  - University of the Sunshine Coast Reviewed by University Collage Info on 03:31 Rating: 5

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