Bachelor of Primary Education - University of the Sunshine Coast

Work with energetic children to offer them some help with learning and create. 

Our undertaking is proposed to qualify you to work as a primary school classroom teacher (Prep-Year 6). You'll make sense of how children acknowledge, how to orchestrate, teach and overview, and coordinate ICT in your training. 

Make instructive modules learning in English, number juggling, science, advancement, expressions, wellbeing and physical guideline, history, and topography. From your first year, you'll complete 90 days of directed capable experiences in neighborhood schools, and natural and remote settings. 

You will make gainful and repaying more broad field experience where you attract with gathering amplifies and work with children, families and bunches. Our undertaking has been made in association with driving informational bodies, and as you graduate you'll be qualified to enroll with the Queensland College of Teachers. 

Post-affirmation necessities 

Understudies must complete 18 weeks of Supervised Professional Experience, completed as full-time discourages as framework embraced. Understudies ought to in like manner completion 15 days of Wider Field Experience. Understudies must experience a Working with Children Check and gain a Blue Card from the Public Safety Business Agency (PBSA) before starting controlled capable experience. 

Calling opportunities 

Instructor in fundamental guideline setting, planning association other than schools. 


Graduates are qualified to apply for enlistment with the Queensland College of Teachers.

Bachelor of Primary Education - University of the Sunshine Coast Bachelor of Primary Education - University of the Sunshine Coast Reviewed by University Collage Info on 03:27 Rating: 5

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