Geography - Miami University - Ohio



What is Geography? 

The Department of Geography at Miami arranges social and physical sciences to attract diverse people, spots, and circumstances. Geographers and coordinators think spatially and use grouped geospatial developments and approaches to manage grasp a changing world and course of action a more reasonable future. Our examination and educating focus on urbanization and masterminding, overall headway, and biological change, and associate among them. 

Geology majors examine the relationship of people, spots, and circumstances, organizing social and normal sciences to grasp overall issues and address them privately. Geographers incorporate spatial information using subjective and quantitative systems, including geospatial mapping headways. Understudies expand fundamental considering, investigation, and correspondences aptitudes through both independent examination and aggregate learning. Majors are readied for arranged open entryways related to urbanization, overall change, and the earth. 

What are the segments of Miami's venture? 

Workforce thought 

A low understudy to workforce extent infers that staff touch base for understudies and are interested in understudy needs. Various topography majors are incorporated into free research with workforce guides. 

Access to advancement 

Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing classes are taught in the Geography Department's GIS lab, which is outfitted with bleeding edge workstations running ArcMap, ArcView, Erdas Imagine, and a full suite of supporting quantifiable and database programming. 

Brief positions 

An impressive parcel of our understudies, especially those roused by joined natural organization or Geographic Information Systems, do transitory positions as a noteworthy part of their degrees. Our understudies have worked in city masterminding divisions in Oxford, Hamilton, and Cincinnati and the Three Valley Conservation Trust.

Geography - Miami University - Ohio Geography - Miami University - Ohio Reviewed by University Collage Info on 00:24 Rating: 5

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