Business and Management AAS - Grayson College

Business and Management AAS 

The Business and Management instructive projects at Grayson College is proposed to give individuals the essential data and capacities to be a powerful purchaser, a capable gathering delegate in any business environment, and/or a standard overseer in today's overall business environment. 

You will develop a foundation of correspondence, money related, accounting, and PC application capacities. By then you will enhance your value in the individual or business arena with additional data and ability in the districts of power, ethics, business law, advancing, and human resource organization. This course of action licenses you to procure two supports on your journey to completing an Associate of Applied Science Degree. A Marketable Skills Award, which is 9 credit hours, is open in Marketing. 

An extensive number of these courses may moreover be accepted for non-acclaim through the GC Continuing Education division. 

Course Requirements 

Grayson College requires an auxiliary school affirmation or measure up to. 

A rate of the courses require essentials. Insinuate the GC file for specific information. 

The Certificates are TSI waived. 

The Associate of Applied Science Degree requires powerful culmination of the TSI necessities. 

Capstone Experience 

To secure a degree in this venture, all understudies ought to viably complete the Business and Society (BMGT 2370) course in the midst of the last semester of the degree course work. 

Degree Plan 

View the Business and Management AAS degree plan to see what courses will be taken. 

In like manner examine the confirmation programs that can be taken as stackable affirmations provoking the AAS. 

Business Foundation (semester one of the Business and Management AAS) 

Business - General Management (second and third semesters of the Business and Management AAS) 

Appealing Skills Award in Marketing (three Marketing courses).

Business and Management AAS - Grayson College Business and Management AAS  -  Grayson College Reviewed by University Collage Info on 23:36 Rating: 5

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