Select a Community College by Asking Common Questions - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKERLEY

Not long after her auxiliary school graduation, Sofia Rodriguez of Elk Grove, California, measured her future decisions and picked that setting off to a lesser school was the best way to deal with extra money before trading to a four-year school.

That decision, of course, incited another: With a couple of junior universities in the domain, which one would it be a smart thought for her to pick?

"I went to Sacramento City College in light of the way that it's to some degree more far off a long way from Elk Grove. I expected to experience seeing fresh faces and something else," says Rodriguez, 18, now in her first semester at the school. "It was in all likelihood the best decision I've ever built, in light of the fact that I do value that supposition self-rule. It's in like manner fairly more individual there, so I'm doing outstandingly with talking with my teachers."

With more than 1,100 junior universities in the country, as showed by 2015 experiences from the American Association of Community Colleges, expected understudies may have a couple grounds from which to pick. The best approach to surveying them, masters say, is to make request in perspective of individual destinations and needs.

[Discover reasons why optional school graduates swing to bunch college.]

Sid Savara, a 2002 graduate of the University of Hawaii—Manoa, blazed through two of his student years as a volunteer advocate offering arranged understudies some help with exploring the University of Hawaii system, which joins seven junior schools and three four-year schools.

He says understudies should start by looking at their last goals and inquisitive in the matter of whether the lesser school they're considering is a strong match, whether for transitioning to a particular four-year school or particularly into the workforce.

For understudies going for a specific occupation, Savara prescribes hunting down a lesser school that is a strong match.

"Much the same as beyond any doubt four-year schools, junior universities have qualities, too. In Hawaii we have one junior school that is famous for its culinary venture, while another is known more for its hands-on particular tasks," says Savara. "So even with two-year degrees and confirmation programs, there are a few grounds that could be more fit the bill for you than others."

Ryan Helsdingen had a four-year degree and a job in his sights when he chose in the Engineering Pathways program at Harper College in Illinois. Qualifying understudies who complete the venture are guaranteed admission to the building school at the University of Illinois—Urbana-Champaign. Auxiliary school beginning courses in electrical outlining had invigorated his yearning to look for after an occupation in the field, Helsdingen​ says. ​

Various junior schools offer proficient or informational pathways to outfit understudies with the specific capacities they need to move to a business or a school partner.​

[Make the hop from junior school to a four-year university.]

Helsdingen, now 21 and in his senior year at the University of Illinois, says the pathways venture was a key part in his decision to go to Harper College.

"Plainly do your investigation before you go into a lesser school and guarantee the classes they offer trade to the school you have to go to," he says.

Sandra Kurtinitis, president of the Community College of Baltimore County in Maryland, says one way understudies can gage a lesser school's devotion to their success is to get some data about the confirmation process.

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Select a Community College by Asking Common Questions - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKERLEY Select a Community College by Asking Common Questions - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKERLEY Reviewed by University Collage Info on 23:13 Rating: 5

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