Theater: DESIGN and TECHNOLOGY - Slippery Rock University


Offered by: Theater 

Make sense of how to change musings and inventive vision into reality before a group of people. You will proceed onward from this stimulating venture prepared to take inventive thoughts, look at them, and settle on fundamental setup and era decisions that have the impact to a full-scale flashy creation. 


In this undertaking, you will have the opportunity to apply and refine your classroom preparing in the earth of certified pompous era. You will use the same apparatus and take in the same frameworks and speculation that specialists use in progress. Likewise, you will get hands-on experience before you even graduate. As an upper-division Design and Technology understudy, you will be given a huge blueprint errand for one of the workplace's four essential stage arrangements consistently. 

Noteworthy, all around bolstered arrangements like Little Shop of Horrors and Macbeth are a showing ground for you to apply the capacities you have learned in a totally recognized theater era. Every last other year, 16 theater understudies make a work Festival Fringe in Edinburgh Scotland. 


At SRU, we have confidence in an adjusted preparing. This suggests despite focus stagecraft classes, you will take classes in drawing, drafting, and all huge flashy setup and specific extents, including beautiful, ensemble arrangement, lighting layout and troupe development. You will get capacities in domains, for instance, 

Examining scripts and characters 

  • Investigating and mixing information to convey one of a kind contemplations 
  • Making and utilizing distinctive advancement schedules and safe theater practices 
  • Working within due dates and spending arrangement constraints 
  • Learning and making tasteful and diagram capacities

Theater: DESIGN and TECHNOLOGY - Slippery Rock University Theater: DESIGN and TECHNOLOGY - Slippery Rock University Reviewed by University Collage Info on 23:48 Rating: 5

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